Recovery Today’s Measurement Care and Innovative Tools for Monitoring Patient Progress

Unmatched, Automated Client Progress Monitoring Tools Giving You Actionable Data at Your Finger Tips so You Can Improve and Showcase Your Facility’s Success Rate, Increase Reimbursement Rates and Quickly Provide Support to those in Need


Measurement-Based Care

Measurement- based care utilizes objective data to track the impact of care, treatment, or services to patients. While relatively new to the behavioral healthcare, Measurement-based care helps providers determine whether treatment is working and facilitate treatment adjustments, consultations, or referrals for higher intensity services when patients are not improving. Today, more than ever, it’s critical that treatment professionals collect and respond to patient data.


Progress Monitoring

Now required by The Joint Commission, behavioral and mental healthcare providers and addiction treatment facilities should all be monitoring each patient’s progress during treatment, and using the data collected to inform treatment and target interventions. Recovery Today’s tools are designed to provide treatment professionals with detailed insights into how patients are doing in their recovery journeys, and to provide feedback, in real time, directly from patients

Let The Data Do The Work

It has been said that most of the world will make decisions either by guessing or using their gut. They will either be lucky or wrong! Don’t get it wrong. Instead, find out how simple it can be to deploy a powerful, effective data collection and progress monitoring system in your facility today!

Features of Progress Monitoring

Our HIPAA-compliant platform collects feedback from a facility’s patients each week from a phone, laptop, or tablet, and report those data to providers, therapists, and clinicians in real time.  Additionally, the progress monitoring allows you to track the emotional functioning mood of patients each week . . . as well as other critical symptoms related to relapse and other vital incidents.  There is no other system that brings together these components of effective recovery: the collection and monitoring of validated data; continuously updated data summaries; and expert action strategies.  In short, Recovery Today Outcomes provides decision makers with the best data, to provide the best treatment, and in turn achieve the best outcomes!

Recovery Today Outcomes’ platform works across all levels of care and can be implemented in both group and individual treatment settings. Recovery Today’s solution works because it addresses the many facets of treatment and the complexities of operating a treatment facility, contained in a remarkably simple package!

“the goal is to turn data into information and information into insight” – Carly Fiorina