Recovery Outcomes’ Powerful technology platform supports client success . . . In treatment and beyond

See How Easy It iS to Prove Your Treatment facility is effective!

Can you answer: “What is your success rate?”

When a prospective patient or a patient’s loved one is seeking a treatment facility, one of the main questions is “What is your facility’s success rate?”  Many treatment centers offer wonderful, comprehensive, and effective treatment services.  But, can you prove it?  Can you show prospective patients, third party payers and insurers, and the general public at large that your treatment center is effective?  Let Recovery Today Outcomes provide you with the proof that what you are doing on a daily basis has long term, lasting impact!

Measurement-Based Care

While a robust progress monitoring system for patients that are in treatment is crucial to a patient’s longterm success after leaving treatment, no program will ultimately be successful unless it consistently follows up with patients post treatment and tracks their success. Unfortunately, most facilities lack the resources and infrastructure to faithfully and regularly follow up with their clients. Let Recovery Today Outcomes shoulder that burden for you! "The frequency of the follow up can also be changed to your needs."

For all clients who spent at least one week in your facility, Recovery Today Outcomes will track their progress and success by following up with them at least 6 times after they leave your program: 1 week post treatment, 30 days after treatment, 90 days post treatment, 6 months post treatment, 9 months post treatment, and 12 months post treatment.

Proving Effective Treatment

The goal of all behavioral and mental health treatment providers should be to help their patients replace old habits with new, and to build protective factors and other skills necessary to maintain sobriety after leaving treatment. One of the key ways of doing so is tracking patients after they leave treatment. Unfortunately, tracking patients after treatment is often time consuming, inefficient, and prohibitively expensive. With Recovery Today's software, you can easily and effortlessly stay in contact with your clients after they leave, track their outcomes, and help provide ongoing support along their recovery journey.

Benefits of Tracking Outcomes

Not only is tracking outcomes now the standard of care for providers, it offers real, tangible benefits to your facility. A few of the benefits for tracking outcomes are:

  • Improve & Tailor Ongoing Treatment Plans
  • Market Facility’s Success Rate and Attract New Clients
  • Increase Reimbursement Rates from Insurers By Proving Effective Treatment 
  • Maintain a Robust and Successful Alumni Program

Contact us today to learn how easy it can be to implement a safe, secure, comprehensive and fully compliant outcomes tracking program.